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  • crystallangen



That moment, back in 1999, the first time I saw Ben across the room, I was immediately magnetized. Something deep within me was stirred and I literally could not take my eyes off of him. I followed him around the dance floor and made sure I knew where he was at all times until the party ended. Later at the afterparty I made sure to sit at his table and I make eye contact with him as much as I could. . After all these years I never really thought about how to define that “magnetism”. And I also realize it isn’t just one quality of him but today I am reflecting on this one thing: confidence. He had a self assurance, a confidence, a “I am cool with being ME” about him that was undeniable. He is also gentile, funny, smart, and handsome ❤ but the thing that bubbled up to the top for me: he was unashamedly himself. . I had always loved to date the “shy guy” the guy who was not super social and so I would “help him” come out of his shell. Ben was the first guy who I pursued who was not that way. I had always associated self assured guys as being jerks (cause most of them were- in my opinion) but Ben had this way of being self-assured and confident that was NOT like that. And I wasn’t going to let him get away. . Fast forward 20 years. We are still wildly in love and it is GROWING. Growing daily, sometimes in small bits and sometimes huge LEAPS…like it is right now. . One of the huge values in our relationship, one of the huge things he does without even knowing it directly (I am sure if he sat down he would easily see it) is he let’s me be me. And even more than that he lets me EXPLORE being me And even MORE than that he gives me the space I need to work on myself, to grow, to learn, to BE MORE ME and to find out what that even IS. . Do you see? As *I* fall in love with being more *ME* *I* fall in LOVE with my HUSBAND even MORE!!! WE fall in LOVE with EACH OTHER even MORE. Our Love grows. Our relationship grows. Our passion grows. . WE are in LOVE with the life we live. And that is our secret sauce. . I know this must resonate with you deep down, this feels like a universal truth and I am a living example of this truth. . It is why every single time I see him my heart does a summersault in my chest… that I feel electrified. It is why the sex is so good, because we are simultaneously in sync with ourselves first and then we join together in harmony - much like two singers do in a duet. . And so all those years ago, those 20 years ago, I can still remember it so clearly, I saw that in him on the dance floor… being himself, in connection with himself, sometimes eyes closed dancing, connecting. He was dancing and not noticing me, he wasn’t trying to impress anyone, he was not being aloof but rather in sync with himself. He was dancing, and living, and loving and being. And I was watching. And I am still watching and loving it. . (By the way if you have not seen Ben dance, I mean *really* dance, I recommend you do…it’s quite healing…. AND he is so much fun!)

PS> This is one of the reasons I am so committed to my work. To help others find ways to connect to themself and to find love for themself. To help YOU love YOU more. ♥️ Don’t forget your chance to join me for YOUR COMMITMENT CEREMONY This is your chance to take a step forward in falling in love with yourself or at least giving yourself some time and attention. We will gather in a small group of women only and we will explore ourself and what our desire is for the next step in life. Explore what we would like to devote ourself to moving forward, what we want to commit to. Explore you being you. Explore you committing to you. I plan to recommit to my message of Sovereign Beauty for women of the world. And I can not wait to see what wants to come through YOU!

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