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  • crystallangen



We can always go deeper and deeper. Deeper and deeper. That’s one of the secrets to a magical life, actually. Swimming in the dark. Seeing how long we can hold our breath. . Digging into the cool, fresh, damp soil of our soul. Seeing what is uncovered as we explore. Deeper and deeper. . Resting into what we uncover and then rolling up our sleeves to dig again. . I find my senses seeking to both explore these depths alone, in private with my journal, but I also get a thrill when sharing myself in a more public space such as here with you. . Sharing myself before “I know all the things.” . I enjoy throwing myself out there and then feeling into the free fall of exposure, vulnerability, and fear. Who will judge me? How will they judge me? How will I judge myself? How will I handle it? How will I dig deeper because of it? What new wisdom will come of it? . How can I live my life more fully? . Damn, I fricken love life. . So, I guess playing it safe isn’t necessarily my jam. ….And yet there are certainly times when I seek to do that too. . I am always looking to connect with the risk takers. Those who are prepared to try and fail. Those who are ready to learn along the way. Those who want to do the work because they WANT TO DO THE WORK while they are doing the work…not just only live in the success. . My heart is calling to you. The risk taker. It wants to create space for you to be fully expressed. To be seen. To be the Queen you are meant to be. To lead by example, by living a vulnerable, heart wide open life, a life of connection, a life of BIG FEELINGS. . We start my next offering for you in a week. BE SEEN QUEEN! is a 4 week online connection course. You + me + a few other soul aligned leaders.

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