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  • crystallangen

my stomach is jiggling and I don't like it

Today I was walking to my car, the warm nourishing sun on my skin, its beautiful light filling my eyes, wearing a fabulous new-to-me outfit I feel so comfy in and suddenly have this thought: ..... my stomach is jiggling and I don't like it. I'm embarrassed. ..... and then just as quickly I had a second thought ..... this fabulous stomach skin of mine was what housed and created an important layer of protection for my 3 babies . And then I thought: Who the hell put that first thought in my head?! Where did that even come from? Saying I don't like something about myself to myself in my own head? Mean! . That feeling of self shaming that washed over my entire body by saying something like that can NOT be good for my health, nervous system, and wellbeing. No way. . I am still exploring these feelings, and feelings just like this all the time. Trying to balance between stopping the self shame, stopping the self criticism, stopping the WORRY that if I am "all into myself" then I must be conceded, stopping buying into the completely bizarre lies impressed upon us on the daily....but also.... . I just WANT TO BE ME! I just WANT TO LIVE! I just want to focus on the happy. . AND, mostly I just want to STOP thinking about myself because then I can better serve OTHERS. . So I am PROUD to say that these thoughts about being embarrassed/shameful and the lies I used to believe are much much fewer. And because I have cleared through these thoughts, I have CREATED SPACE for where I have the most fun....and that is helping others live their best lives. Specifically helping women thrive. Helping women talk. Helping women SHARE their stories. Helping women connect

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