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  • crystallangen

The Art of Happiness - even while unwanted by your roommates

Wow ♥️ fantastic read.

Reminds me of the first time i read “The Art of Happiness”. The year i graduated college. . My at the time boyfriend (husband now)- his roommates didn’t approve of me being at their house. . So i was pretty much only allowed to shut myself in his bedroom. . I was job hunting and interviewing and reading that book. . I’d lock myself in his room for hours, not allowed to turn up the AC - it was super hot that summer in San Jose -but it honestly amplified the experience of absorbing the wisdom in that book! . I feverishly read and took notes. Daydreamed and pondered. . I will never be without a copy of that book. . We quoted several lines from that book as a reading at our wedding ceremony. . I do believe it is time to read it again.

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