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  • crystallangen

Message #5

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

Message #5

This hits me hard, at my core. Like a bullet to the gut.

Knowing women have this thought, and it is completely not your fault, it’s the constant bullying messages marketing, advertising, and social media shoves in our faces. For some of us we’ve even gotten this message from friends and family - people we love.

I want to shout from the mountaintops - FUCK the patriarchy and their brainwashing, mean, horrible, DIS-empowering LIES about women and beauty.

The made up “standards” are false.

This is not at all your fault.

You are not to blame for this narrative.

And I have taken on this very hard, tricky woman’s wound.

My antidote?

Radical Sisterhood.

Created in a space by me.

You ARE pretty. Just as pretty.

I know you are thinking I am lying or you are trying to call bullshit. <— that’s how strong the grip of the patriarchy claw is on this particular topic.

And also, you gotta show up, you gotta do the work, you gotta commit.

I’m offering you a tool, something real that will lead you right into a space where we have a real high standard of sisterhood and don’t deal with BS that is the old model of what is acceptable.

We don’t talk shit, we don’t tell lies, and we do set boundaries.

Join me ASAP, cause the cart closes in 24 hours!

Learn how to take up space like a badass. Like I am modeling for you literally right now.

It starts by first taking up space in your own house, and in particular your own closet, and learning that this seemly un-important space is actually the most important space in your house.

If you can learn to be EXTRA in your closet, then you can learn to be EXTRA other places too.

Let me show you how!

It’s so obvious, and yet I am the only person teaching this type of course.

No one else has tapped into the magic of the closet like I have.

You have no idea what you are in for, but trust me, it’s magic.

Here's the link for ya!

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